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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wainscott Primary School and Nursery

Behaviour for Learning

Behaviour for Learning


Behaviour In Class

All children in our school have the right to be able to work and concentrate in a learning environment.  We also believe that if a calm, firm yet fair atmosphere is established in the classroom right from the beginning, children will understand what the expectations are and achieve their best.


Class Expectations

At the beginning of every school year the teacher and the children decide on a list of expectations that everyone is happy to adhere to.  The teacher does encourage the children to word the list positively and directs them away from a list of ‘Do Nots’.


Behaviour Procedures

Every class teacher will have on display in class the visual procedures for our policy and for following the classroom and school expectations. This allows children to articulate why they may be at a certain point on the ladder and what they need to do to move along it positively.





Positive behaviour

Positive behaviour is rewarded with:

  • Praise

  • House points

  • In class rewards

  • Postcards or phone calls home to parents

  • Special responsibilities/privileges


Queries about behaviour

If you have a query or concern about behaviour, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. If you need further clarification, our phase leads will be more than happy to speak with you.

EYFS: Miss Hatfield

KS1: Mrs Boyle

LKS2: Mr King

UKS2: Mrs Robson


For further information please see the following documents:

 - Behaviour Policy (within the Policy link below)

 - Anti Bullying Strategy (document link below).

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