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PFT Staff Sharepoint

School Welcome

Welcome To

Wainscott Primary School and Nursery

The School Day

We love seeing you all in school! Please see below for details on when to be here and what you need to bring:



In the morning, the pedestrian gates will open at 8:25 and close at 8:45.

In the afternoon, the pedestrian gates will open at 3:10 and close at 3:30.


Nursery children are in school for 3 hours per session. If they stay for a full day session this will equate to 7 hours and 15 minutes as they stay for lunch.

EYFS, KS1 and KS2 children are in school for 7 hours and 15 minutes per day.


Please note there is to be no vehicular movement between the times of 8.25am & 8.45am and between 3.00pm & 3.30pm.


Go to our class pages to find out when you'll need your PE kit or forest school clothes.

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