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School Welcome

Welcome To

Wainscott Primary School and Nursery

Personal Development

Personal Development Subject Intent

At Wainscott, we recognise that the primary years are a key time for children to develop their own identity and aspirations for the future. As well as academic development, it is essential that children are given opportunities, through the curriculum and beyond, for personal development. We understand the crucial role we can play in helping children to prepare for their adult lives so they can go on to engage positively in society. The intent of our Personal Development Curriculum is to deliver a holistic ethos which pervades through everyday life. Personal development education is inclusive and enables all our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about British Values and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. 


At Wainscott School, we believe that it is our moral duty to ensure that our pupils become ‘Recognisably Wainscott’ and develop their cultural capital over time. This means that they are able to know, understand and demonstrate our school values of being Tolerant, Resilient, Creative and Curious. We believe that by developing these characteristics, our pupils will become responsible, respectable, and active citizens who can play their part in public life as adults. Our Personal Development Programme has been carefully designed to ensure that we offer meaningful experiences for all our pupils. 


Our Character Curriculum develops and deepens pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British values of Democracy, Individual Liberty, the Rule of Law, Mutual Respect and Tolerance. We promote equality of opportunity and diversity by promoting an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all our pupils. By developing pupils’ character, we ensure they have positive personality traits and virtues that help them be motivated, eager learners who behave with integrity and respect. Pupil Parliament play an active role in shaping and driving school policies. Please click on the following links: British Values  Pupil Parliament


We explicitly teach pupils the knowledge and skills they need to develop as confident, resilient, and mentally healthy individuals.

This includes recognising online and offline risks to their wellbeing and the dangers of inappropriate use of mobile technology and social media. We ensure that our pupils develop an understanding of how to keep physically healthy, eat well and maintain an active lifestyle.


Our Personal Development Programme ensures that our pupils develop an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships through our personal, social, health, relationships and sex education curriculum. For more information on this please head to: PSHE/RSE


Everything we do ensures that our children develop spiritually, morally, socially, and culturally so that they are ready to thrive as a member of society. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils engage with views, beliefs, and opinions that are different from their own in considered ways.

We have strategically planned and structured our  personal development curriculum and extracurricular activities so pupils can access a wide, rich set of experiences, including powerful discussions and debates. As a result, there are many opportunities for pupils to develop their personal talents and interests across our school.

The Power Of Our Community

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As well as academic development, it is essential that children are given opportunities, through the curriculum and beyond, for personal development. We understand the crucial role we can play in helping children to prepare for their adult lives so they can go on to engage positively in society. The intent of our Personal Development Curriculum is to deliver a holistic ethos which pervades through everyday life. Personal development education is inclusive and enables all our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

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