Inclusion & SEND
SENCO: Lauren Mackenzie
Family Support and Mental Health Lead: Beckie Worsfold
Inclusion Practitioner and MELSA: Debbie Constable
Wainscott School Achieves Flagship School Status
Wainscott Primary School have received the Inclusion Quality Mark's Inclusive School Award (IQM) Flagship School Status. Only around 100 schools in the UK have Flagship status. This a fantastic achievement for us, and something the whole school team feel incredibly proud of.
If you would like to contact the Inclusion Team please fill in the form below or make an appointment to meet via the school office by either(01634 332550).
Lives without limits
'Creating lives without limits’ applies to all children and adults at Wainscott Primary School. For children this means there is an expectation that they will work hard and develop good behaviour for learning. For adults this means providing a safe learning environment with the best education and learning opportunities for all pupils. Staff at Wainscott Primary School will strive to meet the needs of any child who experiences barriers to their learning. We recognise that all children learn at different rates and that there are many factors affecting achievement; including, but not exclusive to, areas of SEN. Our role is to identify these needs, put effective support in place through Quality First Teaching, interventions and resources, and where necessary refer children to specialist services. We also recognise that we as a school are a support network to parents and carers, as well as children, and this may be especially important surrounding families with children with SEN.
At Wainscott Primary we promote a fully inclusive setting, and as such believe all children are entitled to the following:
▪Early identification of additional learning needs to enable support to be placed to help a child achieve their full potential.
▪Successful transition from year-to-year, and where necessary school-to-school.
▪Recognition of individual learning needs, and the correct provision to be put in place. This may be supported by provision maps, pupil passports, behaviour plans etc.
▪Appropriately trained staff and specialist resources where needed.
▪Staff and members of the school community who know their roles and responsibilities for children identified with SEND, including the Local Governance Partnership Body (LGPB).
▪Strong partnerships between home and school, so parents are involved in the assessment and decision making at each stage.
▪Equal access to all learning opportunities.
▪A broad and balanced curriculum through differentiated planning appropriate to the individual’s needs and abilities.
▪An inclusive environment, where every individuals’ differences are celebrated.
Wainscott Graduated Approach
At Wainscott we follow a system called the Graduated Approach to help support children with SEN. The first step is Quality First Teaching . If a child needs further support then we move to Targeted Support, and if more intervention is needed then Individual Additional Support . A cause for concern form can be raised at any point within this graduated approach by the class teacher. By raising a cause for concern form support will be provided by the Inclusion Team. Together we will plan the next steps to support educational planning for that individual child. Agreed programmes of support (provision maps, individual plans, resourcing, classroom environment etc.) will be delivered by the teacher as outlined in the SEND code of practice. Parents will be part of this process.
Please click here for a link to Medway's Local offer for special education needs
The designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children is Mrs Mackenzie.