Only 200 schools have achieved the Centre of Excellence status nationally, compared to 5,500 for the Inclusive Quality Mark. We are proud, at Wainscott Primary School, to say we that we are a Centre of Excellence.
What are Special Educational Needs (SEN)?
Special Educational Needs (SEN) is a legal term. A child or young person has SEN if they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her.
Around one in five children has SEN at some point during their school years. Some children have SEN right throughout their time in school.
SEN covers a broad spectrum of difficulty or disability. Children may have wide-ranging or specific problems. For example, a child might have difficulty with one area of learning, such as letters or numbers. Or they might have problems relating to social skills or sensory processing.
Useful links
Local Offer
EHCP Information
Support for Families
Family Action, Building stronger families (
Help for Medway families affected by Autism and ADHD | Medway Council