Oxford Owl E Book Library
From November 30th children will no longer be allowed to bring school bags into school. They will be permitted a water bottle containing water which they can refill during the day and a packed lunch box. The reason for this change is to reduce the amount of cross contamination that could take place throughout the school. This will also reduce the amount of time children spend in the cloakrooms at the start and end of the day, therefore minimising the risk of cross infection.
The school has purchased an online reading scheme which will enable you to access books from home for children from Reception to Year 6. All children will receive a class name and log in from their class teacher. You can use your child's log in to access a wide variety of books which you can search for by title, age range, level, series and book band colour.
You will also find a blue box for parents which will enable you to access a wide variety of resources to support your children at home such as Phonic Guides and Storytelling videos.
Please log the books your child reads in their reading contact book which will remain at home with them. If you do not have access to the internet, we will ensure your child is heard read in school regularly.
Whilst we recognise that nothing replaces the feel of a real book , please ensure where possible the children have these opportunities to read real books you may already have at home.
EYFS children will continue to take books home on a Monday and bring them back in on a Thursday. This will enable us to decontaminate them for a period of 72 hours.
Link To Oxford Owl E Book Library
Please see the Home Learning page of the website where you will find a parent/carer flyer with more details.